DISMANTLE Charity sector audit report 2024

Introducing our groundbreaking report, evaluating charity brands' anti-racism progress in 2023/24. We've audited the top 30 charity brands, dissecting their online presence to provide actionable insights and sector-wide.

Explore how leading UK charities are tackling racism at a brand-level

Theresa, a Black woman with short hair wearing a red blazer sitting at a desk writing.Mint green zigzag brushstroke for decoration
Black Minds Matter UK logo in grey
Black Minds Matter UK logo in grey
Black Minds Matter UK logo in grey

Introducing the DISMANTLE report

Our report dives deep into each charity's website and social media, assessing their commitment to anti-racism as well as the practical action they are taking through communications. We provide clear recommendations for improvement, tailored to each organisation and sector.

An illustrated logo of the word DISMANTLE in green on a navy background
Theresa, Research Lead at Brand by Me smiling, wearing a bright red blazer and talking to Collette, founder of Brand by Me

Not just about data!

This report isn't just about data; it's a call to action. It's a roadmap for progress, an invitation for charities to reflect, learn, and evolve. Join us in reshaping the role of charities and the entire sector as together, we use the power of brand and communications to tackle systemic racism. Let's pave the way towards a future where equity, justice, and inclusion reign supreme.

Founder Collette sitting in an office at a blue table having a discussion with a client.

Not quite ready to commit?

Download a free preview of our groundbreaking report here. Get a sneak peek into the actionable insights and sector-wide learnings that will reshape the landscape of anti-racism for UK charity brands. Don't miss out - take the first step towards driving meaningful change today!

Or, if you're ready to commit, unlock the full report to access a wealth of practical guidance and evidence-based insight that will equip your organisation to tackle systemic racism head on.

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to begin your brand’s
anti-racist journey?

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