Advancing social justice

Inform your organisation’s journey towards equity with our comprehensive research services, led by and for people from minoritised communities.

Sulaiman, a British-Pakistani, Disabled man and our Disability Justice Lead, shares a laugh with Leah, our Creative Admin.
Black Minds Matter UK logo in grey
Black Minds Matter UK logo in grey
Black Minds Matter UK logo in grey
Black Minds Matter UK logo in grey
Theresa, a Black woman with short curly hair wearing a red blazer & white top, delivering a research workshop.Mint green swoosh brushstrokes for decorationTheresa, a Black woman with short curly hair wearing a red blazer & white top, delivering a research workshop.

Our client research services

We gather compelling insights and use them to make strategy impactful. We turn complex research into clear problem statements and tangible action.

Our process

Reporting icon in burnt orange

RESEARch analysis

We can help you extract key insights from intricate research reports. Our lived experience perspective and understanding of your challenges mean we can identify new potential solutions.

Stakeholder engagement icon in burnt orange

Stakeholder engagement

We never use extractive processes that mine for trauma or create endless feedback loops with no follow up. Instead we use deep listening groups, co-creation sessions, and workshops to curate joyful and mutually beneficial exchanges that drive collective action and long term change.

action planning icon in burnt orange

Action planning

We develop comprehensive action plans with clients based on our findings. Our goal is always to centre and prioritise minoritised communities in building long term solutions.

Research icon in burnt orange

Impactful reporting

We don't just stop at solutions; we capture the entire process and findings in a report that showcases the journey and results. This means that findings and insights can be embedded into future strategy, even if key internal stakeholders have moved on.

Introducing the DISMANTLE Charity sector report 2024

Introducing our groundbreaking report, evaluating charity brands' anti-racism progress in 2023/24. We've audited the top 30 charity brands, dissecting their online presence to provide actionable insights and sector-wide learnings.

Our report dives deep into each charity's website and social media, assessing their commitment to anti-racism as well as the practical action they are taking through communications. We provide clear recommendations for improvement, tailored to each organisation and sector.

Be the first to know

Our research report is due out later this year.
Let’s connect so that you can be one of the first in the know!

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Brand by Santander


After commissioning research with PRECIOUS, Santander approached us for help. They wanted to understand, analyse, and act on their findings.

They were eager to find ways to support women of colour in business, but they needed help to use the research findings. Santander knew had to build trust with the Black community and felt we could help them connect with Black women.

Brand by Santander


After commissioning research with PRECIOUS, Santander approached us for help. They wanted to understand, analyse, and act on their findings.

They were eager to find ways to support women of colour in business, but they needed help to use the research findings. Santander knew had to build trust with the Black community and felt we could help them connect with Black women.

White brushstrokes used as decoration.